In this article we will guide you on how to create a quote on smeMetrics. Quotes can be used to indicate how much sessions would cost a parent or if you need to motivate for funding from a medical aid scheme.
In order to generate a quote you do need to update your system settings. To do this go to settings/my invoice info. You will then need to make sure that the option for “Exclude Future (Consolidated) Invoice” is not ticked. You will also need to tick the option “Enable Pro-Forma Invoices” then click save.
Creating your Quote.
Now that your settings are correct, you are ready to make a quote. Go to Billing/ Invoices and click on the new button.
Once you have done that you will enter the name of the patient that you are doing the quote for .
Note:: If it’s a new patient you will first need to create the contact for that patient.
Add in the line items that you will be billing for, if you are using invoice templates you can pull them in using the dropdown on the right of the screen.
Make sure to future date the invoice so that it becomes a quote
Note :: Remember that the first line does not have an ICD-10 code you can manually add the code or simply remove the line.
Once you have created your invoice/quote click the save button. Now click on View and you will see that the new invoice has ben created and states Quote at the top. You can then download the quote and email it to the relevant person.