Demo Video :: Payment Allocations
Assigning a single payment to an invoice on smeMetrics.
Once you have generated your invoices the next step would be to allocate/ assign a payment to the invoice. In this guide I will detail how to allocate a payment directly to the invoice.
Please note :: Invoices need to be in an approved status in order to allocate a payment to the invoice. Unapproved invoices do not reflect in the payment screen or on the clients account statement.
1 :: Click on Billing, then Invoices
2 :: All your invoices will reflect here, do a contact search to obtain the relevant client’s
invoices to be able to allocate a payment to the correct invoice.
3 :: Once you have all the clients invoices listed, select the invoice that you wish to allocate a payment to and click on the radio button (little circle) next to the invoice number. Then click on the payment button.

4 :: Once you have clicked on the payment button the below screen will pop up.

5 :: The paid amount block will reflect the invoiced amount, if you are allocating a payment that is less than the invoiced amount you can change the amount.
6 :: Click on the paid date button and enter the date the payment was made.
7 :: Click on the category button, the below drop down will appear. Select the type of payment that you are allocating and click on save.

9 :: Once you have saved the payment, If the amount is paid in full the invoice status will
change to paid. If not, the invoice status will remain as Approved.